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Join us soon:


NO RUN 2/6; Weather

Run starts at 7PM, so come a little early. There may be no bathrooms available. Bring a mask for when social distancing is not possible, but you are not expected to wear one 100% of the time. If you drive, be responsible! If you have any questions, or are running late night-of, click the link to contact us on messenger!

Who We Are


We are Informal Running: Boston,

established in January of 2020


We're a small, new-ish chapter of Informal Running in Boston, part of our big brother club, TMIRCE Boston.  We host weekly, Thursday night runs, between 3 and 5 miles, and then relax afterwards with some BYO beverage hangs!  You can find us most every Monday in some Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, Newton or Brookline park (often a little sweaty, sometimes with beers in hand).  We're free-to-all and friendly-to-all; we really like new people, we swear.


First Time?

No need to register, no need to sign up!  Just show up!  We are six-minute milers and twelve-minute milers, marathoners and once-a-week runners.  Run at your own pace, and we'll meet you at the end for hangs.  It's that easy.  If you have any specific questions, reach out to us via email or our Facebook page.

What's Happening?


Special Events

Informal Running
Tuesday Track

Informal Running
Thursday Bar & Park Runs @ 7PM

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